News Cover: P Chidambaram in INX media case more danger! CBI Agency issues the notice at his Jor Bagh home in Delhi around 11:30 pm on Tuesday. Even the CBI ordered the deputy to appear within two hours. Chidambaram did not obey the order of CBI who directed him to appear within two hours for questioning. Ex-finance minister did not meet even after the deadline was crossed.
Meanwhile, the CBI officials stormed the former finance minister's house shortly after the interim bail was dismissed in the Delhi High Court. The officers returned without seeing him at home. P Chidambaram went to the Supreme Court to prevent his arrest after the High Court had granted interim bail. Lawyer and Congress leader Kapil Sibal meet with Chidambaram. Later, lawyers Sibal, Salman Khurshid, and Abhishek Manu Singhvi filed a Special Leave Petition at the Supreme Court. A bench headed by Chief Justice Ranjan Gagai will be heard today.
Delhi: Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has put up a notice outside the residence of P Chidambaram to appear before them in the next two hours. Earlier today, Delhi High Court had dismissed his both anticipatory bail pleas in connection with INX Media case.— ANI (@ANI) August 20, 2019
The Delhi High Court on Tuesday rejected the interim bail application of former Finance Minister P Chidambaram. As a result, the possibility of arrest of the former finance minister and the custody for the investigators is even stronger. Chidambaram may even be arrested. First, the CBI, then the ED officers appear at Chidambaram's house, and it is clear that they want to take him into custody for questioning. Yet neither the CBI nor the ED has found Chidambaram. He is not at home. Where is Chidambaram? CBI-ED officials were searching for Chidambaram in almost every place possible. According to the officials of the two companies, Chidambaram missing. Even his mobile was switched off.
The CBI filed a case against Chidambaram in the INX Media case. Also, the ED filed a case against him on charges of money-laundering in 2018. Investigators have applied multiple times to arrest P Chidambaram in the INX media case. By dismissing their plea, the court extended Chidambaram's interim bail. The former finance minister has been on interim bail for almost a year and a half.
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