The News Cover: Today is the fourth day of CBI investigation in the suicide case of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput . From Friday to Sunday, the CBI team was seen investigating the matter at a very fast pace. Today may prove to be a big day for the CBI in the Sushant Suicide case. The CBI can interrogate Riya Chakraborty today. Let me tell you, apart from Riya Chakraborty, some other people can be questioned by the CBI team today.
Let us tell whom the CBI can inquire today…
1. CBI can interrogate Sushant's girlfriend Riya Chakraborty.
2. From the key man, whom Siddharth Pithani called on June 14 to make the key and then he broke the lock later.
3. Sushant's former cook Ashok, who worked at Sushant Singh's house from 2016 to September 2019, and was later fired by Riha Chakraborty.
5. From Rajat Mewati, who has worked as an accountant with Sushant Singh till January 2020. He was questioned on Sunday and can be called again today.
On Sunday, the CBI team reached the resort where the late actor had spent two months. Also, the CBI has continued to interrogate Sushant's flatmate and personal staff, as his statements to the agency are found to be somewhat contradictory. For this reason, CBI reached Sushant's flat for the second time with Pithani and staff. A day after the crime scene was recaptured in his Bandra flat, the CBI team reached the Water Stone Resort and tried to know how his behavior was when Sushant stayed at the resort. Sources say that after the controversy in the statement, the CBI reached Sushant's flatmate Pithani, personal staff Neeraj Singh and Dipesh Sawant again at his flat. The three were questioned by the CBI earlier on Sunday. (Also from input IANS)
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